- 50 PL1 Complete Packages going on sale Nov 10th! at 12:00 noon Pacific Time
- Moving into our new home!
We've got a familiar feeling going on this week that we're sure you can all relate to. You know that feeling as you're about to drop in on a big, steep open face. That split second between 3-2-1 Dropping and your skis/board sliding over the edge. That brief moment where preparation, practice, planning and anticipation collide head-on with excitement, anxiety, stress and the hard edge of reality. That moment where all that's left to do is drop in on the run you've been waiting for and shred it like you know you can.
This Friday that moment arrives for us. The PL1 is dropping in.
50 more PL1 Complete Packages will be released for sale at 12:00 Noon Pacific Time this Friday, November 10th at www.zoaeng.com
PL1 Complete Package $2,000 CAD + shipping / tax
- 1 PL1 Ascender
- 1, 1,000 foot rope (550 Paracord)
- 1 Rope bag
- 1 Picket / Anchor
- 1 Battery and Charger
A quick heads up. When we put 5 PL1 Packages up for sale on Oct 6th, we had 155 logins attempt to buy. Be sure to get in quickly this Friday.
As a special thank you for our supporters, we have a special offer for the first 25 people who purchase on Friday November 10th. We'll throw in a limited edition Zoa PL1 T-shirt.
Another quick note: We are still building the units that are on sale and waiting on some of the parts. We've added an 8 week processing time for the purchase which should be noticeable at checkout when your shipping time is estimated. We are optimistic that we will be able to deliver these units to our customers much sooner than that (hopefully most will be shipped in time for Christmas!) but we want to be fully transparent about the possibility for delays.
2) Moving into our new home!

50 more PL1 Complete Packages will be released for sale at 12:00 Noon Pacific Time this Friday, November 10th at www.zoaeng.com
Thanks for keeping up with our progress!
Let it snow,
Zoa Engineering Team